»V magistrskem delu se osredotočam na koncept policentrične regeneracije mesta Maribor z implementacijo inovativnih prostorov za urbano kulturo za mlade. Maribor, kot pomembno študentsko središče, že zdaj ponuja raznoliko urbano kulturno dogajanje, vendar obstaja pomanjkanje prostorov, kjer bi mladi lahko razvijali svoje kreativne potenciale. Cilj dela je identifikacija potencialnih lokacij v makro-enotah mesta Maribor, ki bi ustrezale kriterijem za vzpostavitev ter zasnova centrov urbane kulture za mlade na treh izbranih lokacijah.«
»In my master thesis I focus on the concept of polycentric regeneration of the city of Maribor through the implementation of innovative spaces for urban culture for young people. Maribor, as an important student centre, already offers a diverse urban cultural scene, but there is a lack of spaces where young people can develop their creative potentials. The aim of the thesis is to identify potential locations in the macro-environment of the city of Maribor that would meet the criteria for the establishment and design urban culture centres for young people in three selected locations.«