»V diplomskem delu sta predstavljena statična analiza in dimenzioniranje jeklene hale z mostnim žerjavom nosilnosti 10 ton. Dimenzije jeklene konstrukcije, v celoti izdelane iz jekla S355, so 50,0 m x 28,0 m, z višino 10,0 m. Postopki so izvedeni v skladu z veljavnimi standardi (SIST EN) za projektiranje konstrukcij – Evrokodi. Analiza zajema preučitev stalnih in spremenljivih obtežb, ki delujejo na konstrukcijo, geometrijsko nepopolnost ter dinamične obremenitve mostnega žerjava. V nadaljevanju je izvedeno dimenzioniranje glavnih konstrukcijskih elementov, kot so glavni okvir, žerjavna proga, strešne lege, povezja, temelji in spoji. Izvedena je tudi rekapitulacija materiala, ki zajema količino porabljenega materiala. V zadnjem poglavju pa je izdelan tudi okvirni izračun stroškov izdelave.«
»The diploma thesis presents the static analysis and dimensioning of a steel hall with a 10-ton capacity overhead crane. The steel structure entirely made of S355 steel, has dimensions of 50.0 m x 28.0 m and a height of 10.0 m. The procedures are carried out in accordance with valid standards (SIST EN) for structural design – Eurocodes. The analysis covers the examination of constant and variable loads acting on the structure, geometric imperfections, and dynamic loads from the overhead crane. The following section focuses on the design of the main constructural elements, such as the main frame, crane runway, roof purlins, bracings, foundations, and joints. A material recap, including the quantity of material used, is also provided. The final chapter presents an estimated cost calculation for the structural elements.«