
Gospodarsko inženirstvo

Prometno inženirstvo


Preskoči na vsebino
Gradbeništvo G Gospodarsko inženirstvo GI Prometno inženirstvo PI Arhitektura A

Osebje fakultete


red. prof.


univ. dipl. inž. arh.
Prostor / Kabinet
Krekova 2, K 210


Dr. Peter Šenk je arhitekt, izredni profesor na Univerzi v Mariboru, kjer deluje v okviru Oddelka za Arhitekturo Fakultete za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo.
Diplomiral je na Fakulteti za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani (1998), študij nadaljeval na Berlage Institute, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture v Rotterdamu (Master of Excellence in Architecture, 2003) in doktoriral na Fakulteti za Humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem s področja Filozofija in teorija vizualne kulture (2011). Leta 2003 je z arhitektko Polono Filipič ustanovil arhitekturni biro Studio Stratum. Objavil je vrsto prispevkov s področij arhitekture, urbanizma in vizualne kulture, sodeloval in vodil je več domačih in mednarodnih delavnic, s svojimi deli sodeloval na razstavah ter predaval doma in v tujini. Je avtor avtor znanstvenih, strokovnih člankov in poglavij v monografijah ter sourednik monografije Mesto: rob/ City: Edge (Založba Pivec, 2014), urednik monografije Funkcija v arhitekturi: Sullivan-Meyer-Arnheim-Adorno-Pallasmaa (Založba ZRC, 2020), avtor knjig ​Kapsula: tipologija druge arhitekture (Založba ZRC, 2015) in Capsules: Typology of Other Architecture (Routledge, 2018), za katero je prejel Plečnikovo medaljo za publicistiko 2019. Od ustanovitve je bil koordinator programa Hiše arhitekture Maribor (HAM), član sveta Inštituta za politike prostora (IPoP) in član uredniškega odbora zbirke Teoretska praksa arhitekture pri Založbi ZRC SAZU.


Peter Šenk, PhD is an architect associate professor at the University of Maribor, where he works at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transport Engineering and Architecture. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana (1998), continued his studies at the Berlage Institute, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture in Rotterdam (Master of Excellence in Architecture, 2003) and received his PhD in Philosophy and Theory of Visual Culture from the Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska (2011). In 2003, he founded the architecture office Studio Stratum together with the architect Polona Filipič. He has published a number of articles in the fields of architecture, urbanism and visual culture, participated in and led several national and international workshops, exhibited his work at exhibitions and lectured at home and abroad. He is the author of scientific and professional articles and chapters in monographs, co-editor of the monograph Mesto: rob/ City:Edge (Založba Pivec, 2014), editor of the monograph Funkcija v arhitekturi (Function in Architecture): Sullivan-Meyer-Arnheim-Adorno-Pallasmaa (Založba ZRC, 2020), and author of the books Kapsula: tipologija druge arhitekture (Založba ZRC, 2020) and Capsules: Typology of Other Architecture (Routledge, 2018), for which he was awarded the 2019 Plečnik Medal. Since its foundation, he has been the coordinator of the House of Architecture Maribor (HAM), a member of the board of the Institute for Spatial Policies (IPoP) and a member of the editorial board of the book series Theoretical Practice of Architecture, published by Založba ZRC SAZU.COBISS






ORCiD: 0000-0003-3427-1952:




  • Komisija za knjižnični sistem, Član
  • Komisija za založniško in informacijsko dejavnost FGPA, Predsednik
  • Komisija za mednarodno sodelovanje FGPA, Član
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