
Gospodarsko inženirstvo

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Best of South-East – Štipendija za izmenjavo na TU Graz

TU Graz offers three Best of South-East scholarships for students for an exchange year at TU Graz. Students must already have completed 4 semesters of their Bachelors’s programme at the time of application.

The Steiermärkische Sparkasse (Styrian Bank) initiated “Best of South-East“, an advancement and continuing education programme for talented and dedicated students from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. 
The aim of the programme is to offer international education, work experience and training opportunities, as well as facilitate your entry into professional life via an internship.

The scholarship programme lasts 12 months (from September 2024 to the end of August 2025) and includes at TU Graz:

  • a scholarship for a 2-semester mobility programme at TU Graz (winter and summer semesters): € 1000,-/month
  • a 2-month (self-organised) internship (in July and August); and
  • a German intensive course (September  2024 or February 2025) OR a German course during the semester, both offered by treffpunkt sprachen

    Events and informative meetings are also part of the scholarship programme and ensure that students are integrated into economic, cultural and scientific life in Graz.


Application requirements Please visit our website for more information.

Application process: In order to receive the login data, you must send the following data to

  • First given name
  • Surname
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender (female, male)
  • Home institution (home university)
  • Nationality

You will then receive the login data after to start your application process.

Apllication deadline: December 1st, 2023


 Best of South-East




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