
Gospodarsko inženirstvo

Prometno inženirstvo


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Gradbeništvo G Gospodarsko inženirstvo GI Prometno inženirstvo PI Arhitektura A



Na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani, bomo od 16. – 20. 9. 2024 izvedli poletno šolo BikeACCESS: PREVERITEV KOLESARSKIH POVEZAV ZA POTREBE RANLJIVIH SKUPIN NA IZBRANIH PRIMERIH, ki je namenjena študentom študijskih programov v povezavi z načrtovanjem in urejanjem prostora, trajnostno mobilnostjo, regionalnim planiranjem (arhitektura, urbanizem, krajinska arhitektura, geografija, geodezija, prostorsko načrtovanje, prometno inženirstvo, gradbeništvo, ekonomija, sociologija, idr.). Dobrodošli so študenti prve in druge bolonjske stopnje ali študenti enovitih magistrskih študijskih programov.

Namen poletne šole je pridobitev znanja o tem kako načrtovati varno in udobno kolesarsko infrastrukturo ter iz-boljšati pogoje za trajnostno mobilnost vseh obstoječih in potencialnih uporabnikov prostora. Poudarek bo na vključevanju ranljivih skupin v kolesarjenje ter na načrtovanju vključujoče kolesarske infrastrukture.

Poletna šola je za udeležence brezplačna. Vse informacije o lokaciji in poteku poletne šole ter povezava na prijavo je v priloženem letaku in na spletni strani:

Poletna šola bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

Vljudno vabljeni!


The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Ljubljana, will host a student summer school from 16 – 20 September 2024

entitled  BikeACCESS – EXAMINING CYCLING LINKS TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF VULNERABLE GROUPS ON SELECTED EXAMPLES. The summer school is aimed at students of study pro-grammes related to spatial planning and management, sustainable mobility and regional planning (architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, geography, geod-esy, spatial planning, traffic engineering, civil engineering, economics, sociology, etc.). Students of the first and sec-ond Bologna degree programmes or students of inte-grated Master’s programmes are welcome.

The aim of the summer school is to gain knowledge on how to plan a safe and comfortable cycling infrastructure and improve the conditions for sustainable mobility for all existing and potential users of the area. The particular fo-cus is on the inclusion of vulnerable groups in cycling and the design of an inclusive cycling infrastructure.

The summer school is free of charge for all students from CEEPUS network countries. Students from other countries must pay for their own travel and accommodation. All information about the location and duration of the summer school, accommodation options and a link to the registration form can be found in the attached flyer and on the website:

The Summer School will be held in English.

You are cordially invited!



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