»Diplomsko delo obravnava statično analizo jeklene hale z nadstrešnico skupnih dimenzij 32 m x 20 m in višine 6,5 m v skladu z aktualnimi predpisi SIST EN – Evrokod. Izvedeni so izračuni stalnih in spremenljivih obtežb, analizirane pa so notranje statične količine s pomočjo programa TOWER. V nadaljevanju je izvedeno dimenzioniranje posameznih konstrukcijskih elementov, pri čemer smo posebno pozornost namenili računski metodi dimenzioniranja vute, ki ni ustrezno vključena v obstoječo programsko opremo. Na koncu je podana rekapitulacija materiala s približnim izračunom stroškov izdelave.«
»The thesis addresses the static analysis of a steel hall with a canopy of total dimensions 32 m x 20 m and a height of 6.5 m, in accordance with the current SIST EN – Eurocode regulations. Calculations of constant and variable weights are performed, and internal static quantities are analyzed using the TOWER software. In the following, the dimensioning of individual structural
elements is carried out, with special attention being paid to the computational method of dimensioning the vuta, which is not adequately included in the existing software. At the end, a recapitulation of the material is given with an approximate calculation of the production costs.«