»Magistrsko delo podaja predlog za revitalizacijo središča mesta Murska Sobota in kot ključno temo obravnava izzive ene izmed najbolj ranljivih skupin, mladih. Mladi in mlade družine se soočajo z nizkimi dohodki, željo po osamosvojitvi in selitvi iz domov svojih staršev ter vključevanjem v aktivno urbano življenje. Mesto Murska Sobota, kot celotna Pomurska regija, se srečuje s pomanjkanjem cenovno dostopnih, sodobnih in privlačno zasnovanih stanovanj, kar vodi v izseljevanje mladih v ostale statistične regije. Poleg tega je izseljevanje mladih spodbudilo tudi pomanjkanje podjetniških, razvojnih, inovacijskih in izobraževalnih dejavnosti. Ti dejavniki skupaj prispevajo k demografski in gospodarski stagnaciji Murske Sobote.
V okviru naloge so podana teoretska izhodišča, prostorska analiza obravnavanega območja in predlog idejne urbanistično-arhitekturne rešitve Urbanega središča za mlade. Predlogi in rešitve so osredotočeni na potrebno stanovanjsko gradnjo, ki je prilagojena mladim, ter implementacijo novih hibridnih in urbanotvornih vsebin, usmerjenih v razvoj, inovacije in izobraževanje. Lokacija v središču mesta bo mladim omogočala dostop do obstoječih storitev in dejavnosti, hkrati pa ima potencial za oživitev mestnega jedra in vključitev mladih v mestno tkivo. Izbrana vsebina stremi k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja v mestu, povečanju socialne vključenosti vseh prebivalcev s poudarkom na mladih in končnim ciljem razvoja in dviga konkurenčnosti Murske Sobote kot mesta.«
»The master’s thesis presents a proposal for the revitalization of the center of the city of Murska Sobota and, as a key topic, addresses the challenges of one of the most vulnerable groups, the young. Young people and young families are faced with low incomes, the desire to become independent and move out of their parents’ homes and integrate into active urban life. The city of Murska Sobota, like the entire Pomurska region, faces a lack of affordable, modern and attractively designed apartments, which leads to the emigration of young people to other statistical regions. In addition, the lack of entrepreneurial, development, innovation and educational activities has also encouraged the emigration of young people. Together, these factors contribute to the demographic and economic stagnation of Murska Sobota.
Within the scope of the assignment, the theoretical starting points, the spatial analysis of the considered area and the proposal of the conceptual urban-architectural solution of the Urban Center for Youth are given. Proposals and solutions are focused on the necessary housing construction, which is adapted to young people, and the implementation of new hybrid and urban-creating contents, aimed at development, innovation and education. The location in the city center will give young people access to existing services and activities, while at the same time it has the potential to revitalize the city center and integrate young people into the urban fabric. The proposal seeks to improve the quality of life in the city, enhance social inclusion, particularly for youth, and ultimately position Murska Sobota as a more competitive city.«