
Gospodarsko inženirstvo

Prometno inženirstvo


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Gradbeništvo G Gospodarsko inženirstvo GI Prometno inženirstvo PI Arhitektura A


UM FGPA se je že petič priključila projektu Labirint Maribor

Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo se je že petič z veseljem priključila projektu Labirint Maribor. Pri izbirnem predmetu Geodezija-GIS/izbrana poglavja, so v sklopu vaj pod mentorstvom dr. sc. (Republika Hrvaška) Roka Kamnika, nastale kreativne ideje za izvedbo Labirinta Maribor 2024 in Labirint Kranj 2024. V državnem koordinatnem sistemu so bile določene osnovne koordinate točk območja labirinta, znotraj katerega so študentje 3. letnika Arhitekture izrisali svoje ideje. Pri tem so morali upoštevati predvsem skupno velikost labirinta med 3 in 4 ha, širino poti, ki je 2m, skupno dolžino labirinta (cca. 4 km) ter zunanje odmike.


The University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Architecture was happy to join the Maribor Labyrinth project for the fifth time. In the elective course Geodesy-GIS/selected chapters, as part of the exercises under the mentorship of dr. sc. (Republic of Croatia) Roka Kamnika, creative ideas for the implementation of Labyrinth Maribor 2024 and Labyrinth Kranj 2024 were created. In the national coordinate system, the basic coordinates of the points of the labyrinth area were determined, within which the students of the 3rd year of Architecture drew their ideas. In doing so, they had to take into account the total size of the labyrinth (between 3 and 4 ha), the width of the path (2 m), the total length of the labyrinth (approx. 4 km) and external offsets.

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