
Gospodarsko inženirstvo

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Raziskovanje & projekti

Projekt I-DREAMS

Tudi letos se nadaljuje sodelovanje Katedre za prometno tehniko in varnost v prometu ter Katedre za prometne gradnje UM FGPA v projektu i-DREAMS. Projekt, ki ga uspešno vodi Institut za prometne vede IMOB Univerze v Hasseltu (Belgija), ima kot glavni cilj razvoj sistema, ki naj bi zaznaval in nadzoroval stanje voznika, vedenje v prometu in razmere na cesti, ter voznika obdržal v območju Varne Tolerance. Poseben dosežek je bila letošnja predstavitev rezultatov projekta znanstveni javnosti v sklopu pomembne mednarodne konference Road Safety and Simulation 2022 v Atenah. Projekt i-DREAMS je bil na konferenci prisoten s poldnevno delavnico, na kateri je bil praktično prikazan celotni sistem. Ob priliki so bili predstavljeni tudi številni znanstveni članki, ki so nastali v sklopu projekta in ki so že namenjeni za nadaljno objavo v raznih znanstvenih revijah.

IME PROJEKTA: Pametni sistem za ocenjevanje in nadzor voznika in cestnih razmer
PROJECT NAME: A smart driver and road environment assessment and monitoring system
VODJA PROJEKTA: prof. dr. Tom Brijs (UHasselt); prof. dr. Matjaž Šraml (UM FGPA)
SODELAVCI: prof. dr. Tomaž Tollazzi, prof. dr. Marko Renčelj, mag. Vlasta Rodošek, mag. Chiara Gruden
FINANCER/PROGRAM: Projekt i-DREAMS je financiran v okviru programa Evropske Unije za raziskave in inovacije Obzorje 2020
PARTNERJI: Hasselt University Transportation Research Institute; National Technical University of Athens – NTUA; Loughborough University; European Transport Safety Council – ETSC; OSeven Single Member Private Company; Technische Universität München – TUM; Barraqueiro Transportes, S. A. – BARRA; Kuratorium Für Verkehrssicherheit – KFV; Drive Sim Solutions – DSS; CardioID Technologies; Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services, Association Internationale – POLIS; Technische Universiteit Delft – TU Delft.


The cooperation of the Chair of Traffic Safety and Engineering and the Chair of Traffic Infrastructure UM FGPA in the project i – DREAMS continues fruitfully this year. The main goal of the project, successfully carried out by the Institute of Transport Sciences IMOB of Hasselt University (Belgium), is to develop a system that can detect and control the status of the driver, his/her behaviour in traffic and road conditions, keeping the driver within a safe tolerance zone. A particular success this year was the opportunity to present the results of the project to the scientific public at the well-known international conference Road Safety and Simulation 2022 in Athens. The i- DREAMS project was represented at the conference with a half-day workshop, during which the entire system was practically demonstrated, and with a number of scientific papers accepted both at the conference and for further publication in various scientific journals.



Glavni udeleženci na konferenci Road Safety and Simulation 2022 v Atenah (vir slike:

Prikaz sistema i-DREAMS, ki je bil že inštaliran v realnem vozilu. (vir slike:


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