Gospodarsko inženirstvo
Prometno inženirstvo
AKRONIM | Ime projekta | Program | Vodja projekta | Začetek | Konec | |
DEGREE4ALPS | DigitalisEd and GREEn mobility for ALPine Space communities | EU Interreg Alpine Space | Lep Marjan | |||
Redu-CE-D | Customized Environmental Management System (EMS) to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption of different transport modes in Central Europe. | EU Interreg Central Europe | Hanžič Katja | 1.5.2024 | 31.3.2027 | |
GREENPATH | GREEN mobility solutions for Pioneering Actions Towards Healthy and sustainable commuting | EU Interreg Central Europe | Lep Marjan | 1.5.2024 | 30.4.2027 | |
BAC3 | Studies and support for the European Coordinators for the European Transport Corridors and the European Maritime Space | Tržni Mednarodni EU | Letnik Tomi | |||
DANOVA NEXT | Smart Transport Network for the accessibility of Passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility in the Danube Region through innovative services | Interreg Podonavje | Hanžič Katja | 1.1.2024 | 30.6.2026 | |
SPHERE | Sustainable transportation within the framework of green deal | EU Erasmus+ | Sever Drago | 1.3.2024 | 28.2.2027 | |
RISKHUB II | Reducing Risks by Improving Interoperability between Slovenia and Hungary for Better Preparedness | EU Interreg SI-HU | Kramer Stajnko Janja | 1.1.2024 | 1.7.2026 | |
MEDCOLOURS | MEDiterranean Collaborative LOgistics for the URban Space | Interreg EU Mediteran | Letnik Tomi | 1.1.2024 | 30.6.2026 | |
E-MED | Increasing capacities of PTO and PTA in the EURO MED area by testing novel solutions to effectively manage public transport’s transition towards energyefficiency and resource-efficiency |
Interreg EU Mediteran | Lep Marjan | 1.1.2024 | 30.9.2026 | |
SBRAUS | Sustainable bio-climatic revitalization of abandoned urban spaces | EU Erasmus+ | Skalicky Klemenčič Vanja | 1.1.2024 | 31.12.2025 | |
SaferDeli | Safer driving behaviour for last-mile-delivery professionals through digital and multidisciplinary training | EU Erasmus+ | Tollazzi Tomaž | 1.11.2023 | 31.10.2025 | |
DG TRANS | Transport of Dangerous Goods – Modernisation of Curricula and Development of Training for Professionals in Western Balkans HEIs | EU Erasmus+ | Sever Drago | 1.12.2022 | 30.11.2025 | |
CE4CE | Public Transport Infrastructure in Central Europe – facilitate transitioning to circular economy | EU Interreg Central Europe | Lep Marjan | 1.4.2023 | 31.3.2026 | |
TRACE | Integration and Harmonization of Logistics Operations | EU EU Horizon Europe | Letnik Tomi | 1.6.2023 | 31.5.2026 | |
Food4CE | Strengthening Innovation Capacities Among Central European Alternative Food Networks | EU Interreg Central Europe | Marksel Maršenka | 1.3.2023 | 30.4.2026 | |
GRETA | Greening Regional frEight Transport in fuAs | EU Interreg Central Europe | Katja Hanžič | 1.4.2023 | 31.3.2026 | |
LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE | Boosting greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 with a view to 2030 | Evropska komisija – Program LIFE | Lep Marjan | 1.1.2019 | 31.12.2026 | |
PLOTO | Deployment and Assessment of Predictive modelling, environmentally sustainable and emerging digital technologies and tools for improving the resilience of IWW against Climate change and other extremes | EU Horizon Europe | Letnik Tomi | 1.9.2022 | 31.12.2025 | |
GEOLAB | Science for enhancing Europe’s Critical Infrastructure | EU Horizon 2020 | Žlender Bojan | 1.2.2021 | 31.1.2025 | |
TACEESM | Transforming Architectural and Civil Engineering Education towards a Sustainable Model | EU Erasmus+ | Jaušovec Marko | 15.11.2020 | 14.11.2023 | |
i-DREAMS | Safety tolerance zone calculation and interventions for driver-vehicle-environment interactions under challenging conditions | EU Horizon 2020 | Šraml Matjaž | 1.5.2019 | 30.4.2023 | |
DANOVA | Innovative transportation services for blind and partially-sighted passengers in Danube Region | EU Interreg Danube | Hanžič Katja | 1.7.2020 | 31.12.2022 | |
OJP4DANUBE | Coordination mechanicsms for multimodal cross-border travelle information network based on OJP for Danube Region | EU Interreg Danube | Tibaut Andrej | 1.7.2020 | 31.12.2022 | |
LinkingAlps | Innovative Tools and Strategies for Linking Mobility Services for a Decarbonised Alpine space | EU Interreg Alpine Space | Tibaut Andrej | 1.10.2019 | 30.9.2022 | |
EfficienCE | Energy Efficient Public Transport Infrastructure for Central Europe | EU Interreg Central Europe | Klemenčič Mitja | 1.4.2019 | 30.6.2022 | |
SMACKER | Soft measures & Actions for behavioural Change and Knowledge to Embrace peripheral and Rural areas | EU Interreg Central Europe | Hanžič Katja | 1.4.2019 | 30.6.2022 | |
VRTEC+ | Razvoj modelov prenove stavb za predšolsko vzgojo in izobraževanje v Sloveniji | Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) | Lovec Vesna | 1.4.2019 | 31.3.2022 | |
DOM+ | Razvoj multifunkcijskega klimatsko aktivnega nosilnega ovoja objektov | Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) | Premrov/Žegarac Leskovar | 1.3.2019 | 31.12.2021 | |
ECarriage 4CBST | Kočijaške poti za e-kočije: spodbujanje naravi prijaznega čezmejnega turizma s pomočjo inovativnih turističnih produktov | EU Interreg SI-AT | Božičnik Stanislav | 1.9.2018 | 31.12.2021 | |
TRAFSAF | Improving The Traffic Safety In The Western Balkan Countries Through Curriculum Innovation And Development Of Undergraduate And Master Studies | EU Erasmus+ | Sever Drago | 15.11.2018 | 14.11.2021 | |
MAHEPA | Modular Approach to Hybrid Electric Propulsion Architecture | EU Horizon 2020 | Božičnik Stanislav | 1.5.2017 | 31.10.2021 | |
ION | Integracija navigacije v zunanjem okolju in zaprtih prostorih | Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) | Božičnik Stanislav | 1.10.2018 | 30.9.2021 | |
RE-BUILT | Rehabilitation of the Built Environment in the Context of Smart City and Sustainable Development Concepts for Knowledge Transfer and Lifelong Learning | EU Erasmus+ | Pogačar Kaja | 1.9.2018 | 31.8.2021 | |
MELINDA | Inovativni ekosistem za prehod na nizko-ogljično mobilnost v Alpah | Mobility Ecosystem for Low—carbon and INnovative moDal shift in the Alps | EU Interreg Alpine Space | Božičnik Stanislav | 17.4.2018 | 16.4.2021 | |
MEANING | Master Programme in Industrial Engineering for El Salvador and Guatemala | EU Erasmus+ | Rebolj Danijel | 15.10.2017 | 14.10.2020 | |
AlpInnoCT | Inovacije kombiniranega transporta v Alpskem prostoru | Alpine Innovation for Combined Transport | EU Interreg Alpine Space | Božičnik Stanislav | 1.11.2016 | 31.1.2020 | |
GRASPINNO | Transnacionalni model, strategije in podpora pri odločanju inovativnim grozdom in poslovnim mrežam za doseganje zelene rasti, s poudarkom na zelenem e-naročanju URE/OVE rešitev pri energetski obnovi javnih zgradb | Transnational model, strategies and decision support for innovative clusters and business networks towards green growth | Interreg EU Mediteran | Božičnik Stanislav | 1.11.2016 | 31.10.2019 | |
eGUTS | Električni in zeleni urbani transportni sistemi | Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems | EU Interreg Danube | Božičnik Stanislav | 1.1.2017 | 30.9.2019 | |
SULPiTER | Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning to Enhance Regional Freight Transport | EU Interreg Central Europe | Božičnik Stanislav | 1.6.2016 | 31.5.2019 | |
IQ DOM | Inteligentni dom pametne generacije zasnovan na pametnih napravah in lesu | Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) | Premrov/Žegarac Leskovar | 1.9.2016 | 28.2.2019 |